Contact and legal information

* Even with aliens we will establish a contact one day, so why don't you establish yours with us today?

Legal information

Some legal mumbo-jumbo that we are required to have on our page

Neovez d.o.o.
Adress: Koturaška cesta 69
HR-10000 Zagreb
Hrvatska (Croatia)


Legal information
Neovez d.o.o.
Identification number: 01774085
Tax Identification Number (TIN): 96873200776
VAT-ID #: HR96873200776
MBS: 080474004
Bank Account: 2484008-1101951775 Raiffeisenbank Austria
IBAN: HR5424840081101951775

Registered with the Commercial Affairs Court in Zagreb, share capital 2.654,46 € paid in full
Executive manager: Jasna Spaić